What exactly are you going to do on your mission?
I have accepted the calling to be a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so that I may share the gospel to those who are yearning to know of the truth of the gospel. I have answers to questions that people don't even know to ask. I am going to tell people where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. I will explain to everyone that will listen why Christ is the center of the Plan of Happiness and why the Atonement that Jesus Christ has provided for us is necessary for our salvation.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

14th Week in South Carolina

Portions of Elder Walker's most recent letter:
We set somebody else on date [appointment for baptism]! But I don't know what happened to him... he didn't come to church. I haven't seen him yet since the first lesson with him. 
I thought my mormon.org profile would be done by now, but I just checked and my picture was denied because of background stores and the obvious library behind me. I can't upload a picture from the library because of the browser they use, but it will happen eventually. 
I got lots of mail this past week. 
Tell Josh that he's super for helping out the twins in sharing them the gospel. It's a lot harder to share it with people you know (like neighbors). He should invite them to go on some of the activities he does like snow camp-outs or hikes. 
I like food. Members feed me a lot. 
I had a lot to tell you yesterday as I was writting 1,000,000 letters, I don't remember any of it now. I think it was a bunch of spiritual experiences. 
"ta ta for now" said tigger.
He's grateful for the letters sent to him! And he wrote everyone back yesterday, so expect a letter from him sometime this week if your wrote him. He's written me more about the Study Journal that he mentioned before, so once I get his letter I will be including them on here later this week. Apparently he's also got a profile at Mormon.org so I'll have to figure out the address and include it on here, so be looking to that as well.

But he seems to be doing well! Continue to write him as he really enjoys receiving them and will do his best to write you back in a timely manner.

Ta ta for now!

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